Party Central Committee's 9th plenary session closes

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and President Nguyen Phu Trong on December 26 urged the members of the CPV Central Committee, soldiers and people nationwide to build on the past achievements, and create a new driving force so as to successfully accomplish tasks for 2019 and those set by the 12th National Party Congress.
Party Central Committee's 9th plenary session closes ảnh 1Party Central Committee General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong at the event (Source: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and President Nguyen Phu Trong on December 26 urged the members of the CPV Central Committee, soldiers and people nationwide to build on the past achievements, and create a new driving force so as to successfully accomplish tasks for 2019 and those set by the 12th National Party Congress.

He made the call in his speech at the closing of the two-day session in Hanoi, saying that the year 2019 plays an important role in successfully realising the resolution adopted by the 12th National Party Congress, the 2016-2020 socio-economic development plan, and preparing for the 13th National Party Congress.

The Party chief affirmed the top importance of personnel work, saying that it must be conducted cautiously, regularly and effectively to build a contingent of qualified and prestigious personnel.

After thoroughly considering reports and documents relating to personnel planning, participants cast secret votes on candidates planned for the CPV Central Committee for the 2021-2026 tenure. Based on the result, agencies concerned will review it before submitting to the Politburo for consideration.

The committee also gave nod to the Politburo’s report on casting confidence votes on Politburo and Secretariat members.

Party leader Trong said each Politburo and Secretariat member should consider it a good chance to review themselves, tap strengths and fix shortcomings to accomplish assigned tasks, deserving trust and hope of the CPVCC, the entire Party and people.

Participants agreed with a report reviewing the Politburo and Secretariat’s leadership and directions in 2018, affirming that the Politburo and Secretariat are united collectives that stay consistent with Party goals and ideology, Marxism and Leninism, and Ho Chi Minh ideology. The two are also resolute to safeguard the Party, regime, national independence and sovereignty, they added.

They lauded the Politburo and Secretariat for conducting criticism and self-criticism and straightforwardly admitting existing shortcomings.

The committee asked the Politburo and Secretariat to acquire its feedback, thereby taking drastic and concerted measures to fulfill tasks for the coming years, especially the nine key tasks for 2019.

It also decided to impose a disciplinary measure against Tat Thanh Cang by relieving him from the post of member of the 12th CPV Central Committee, permanent Vice Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee, member of the Standing Board of the municipal Party Committee for the 2015-2020 tenure for his very serious shortcomings and wrongdoings.

Within nearly three years since the start of the CPV’s 12th tenure, a record number of over 60 officials under the management of the CPV Central Committee have been disciplined, including five of its incumbent members and three of them have been expelled from the body.

On the occasion, the Party chief urged all the Party officials and members to avoid making the mistakes that cause loss to the Party, country and people, saying that every of them must bear in mind that the interests of the country, people and Party must be placed above all.

He also called for preventing and determinedly fighting wrongful allegations by hostile forces that incite and sow internal division.-VNA

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