Party chief hosts El Salvador liberation front leader

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has reiterated Vietnam’s priority for developing friendly cooperation with traditional friends in Latin America, including El Salvador.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has reiterated Vietnam’s priority for developing friendly cooperation with traditional friends in Latin America, including El Salvador.

Hosting Secretary General of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front of El Salvador (FMLN) in Hanoi on May 8, the Party chief informed him of the latest developments in Vietnam, including preparations for the all-level Party Congresses toward the 12th National Party Congress.

He expressed hope for stronger ties between the two Parties, thereby developing bilateral economics, trade and investment relationship for the sake of the two peoples.

Gonzalez thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for their invaluable support to the FMLN and the El Salvador people over the past time, and vowed determination to reinforce ties between the two Parties, States and peoples.

Earlier, the El Salvador delegation held talks with a Vietnamese Party delegation led by Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Le Hong Anh, which focused on specific plans for joint collaboration.

While in Vietnam, the guests also paid a courtesy call to National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong, held working sessions with head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Hoang Binh Quan and the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations.-VNA

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