During the meeting, voters raised their concerns over education-relatedissues such as the contents of schoolbooks and postgraduate employment.
They mentioned the monopoly of the country’s powerindustry and the need to have special staff responsible for nuclearenergy security.
They welcomed localitiesreclaiming the land of suspended planning projects and said they agreedon some regulations in the draft amended law on land.
Voters expressed their support for the continued implementation of the Central Resolution 4 on party building.
Welcoming voters’ opinions, Party chief Trong said that the 5 thsession will debate the adoption of 11 bills, give opinions on anothereight bills, of which, the draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution andthe draft amended land law are of the most importance.
As many as 26 million opinions have been given on the draftamendments to the 1992 Constitution, making full use of people’sintelligence and showing patriotism, Trong said.
Conducting votes of confidence on persons holding positions elected orapproved by the NA or People’s Councils is a new and major policy thatneeds to be conducted regularly under strict leadership and concreteguidance, he added.
The party chief underscored theresponsibilities of representatives of the National Assembly andpeople’s councils who are trusted by voters.
He saidhe hopes that voters continue to pay attention and contribute theiropinions with enthusiasm to the National Assembly, Party and the wholepolitical system.
The same day, Trong received adelegation from the Army’s Trade Unions, that represent 170,000 staff,attending the 8 th Congress of the Army’s Trade Union held in Hanoi.-VNA