Party chief pays working visit to Ha Tinh province

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong inspected the socio-economic development, security-defence, external relations, and Party building while visiting the central province of Ha Tinh on April 22.
Party chief pays working visit to Ha Tinh province ảnh 1At the working session (Photo: VNA)

Ha Tinh (VNA) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong inspected the socio-economic development, security-defence, external relations, and Party building while visiting the central province of Ha Tinh on April 22.

The Party chief urged the locality to focus on equal development among regions, especially in the western part of the province.

Local authorities should also focus on developing industry and agriculture in a sustainable manner while promoting its tourism potential, he said, adding that the province needs to enhance the building of the Party and political system, reform administrative procedures, and improve the business environment.

He also took note of the provincial proposals relevant to projects on developing a sea-based economy through to 2025 and the following years; developing the relic site of Great Poet Nguyen Du – a recogised world cultural figure; and merging some thinly-populated communes (each housing under 3,000 residents) into one.

The Party leader acknowledged local past achievements and asked the province to further uphold solidarity and unity to implement effectively Resolutions adopted at the provincial and national Party Congresses.

He also inspected several key projects in the province such as the iron and steel complex and Son Duong Formosa Ha Tinh port, the vegetable and fruit production project, and the rural residential models in Thach Ha district.

Ha Tinh recorded an average annual economic growth of over 18 percent in the 2011-2015 period, with industry-construction making up 38 percent of the local economy, trade-services (44 percent), and agro-forestry-fisheries (18 percent).

The proportion of poor households in 2015 was reduced by 5.8 percent.

Industrial production increased by 37 percent in 2015. So far, the province counts two economic parks and 19 industrial zones and clusters, attracting 446 domestic and foreign investment projects with a total registered capital of over 23 billion USD.

The Vung Ang economic zone has gradually become one of the biggest heavy industry hubs in Southeast Asia with steel, thermal power and seaport services as key products.

To date, 52 provincial communes have become new-style rural areas, and Ha Tinh is one of the 13 provinces nationwide to receive the State’s first-class Labour Order in the 2010-2015 period.-VNA


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