Party chief talks with overseas Vietnamese in US

Developing relations with major and important partners is a priority in implementing Vietnam’s foreign policy, stated Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong while meeting with representatives of the Vietnamese community in the US in New York on July 9 (local time).
Developing relations with major and important partners is a priority in implementing Vietnam’s foreign policy, stated Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong while meeting with representatives of the Vietnamese community in the US in New York on July 9 (local time).

Discussing the outcomes of his official US visit with them, he shared that the two sides discussed specific measures to further all-around bilateral cooperation and adopted a joint vision statement.

Both sides candidly exchanged views on several issues including religion and human rights, he added.

The Party leader hailed the significant contributions by the overseas Vietnamese community to their homeland’s socio-economic development, renewal process and the improvement of its position and role in the international arena.

He also spoke highly of their integration into and positive contributions to the host country and urged them to continue promoting Vietnam’s tradition of unity and intensifying the popularisation of Vietnam to international friends.

Representatives of the overseas Vietnamese community said they were delighted at their nation’s socio-economic achievements and external relations.

They expressed concerns over the East Sea issue as well as the country’s territorial sovereignty while hoping to contribute more to nation-building and development and serve as a bridge to connect Vietnam with other countries and partners.-VNA

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