Party chief urges Bac Giang to fully tap potentials

Bac Giang should make full use of its strength and mobilise all the resources to reach the same level of development as other neighbouring provinces.
Bac Giang should make full use of its strength and mobilise all the resources to reach the same level of development as other neighbouring provinces.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong made the statement at a working session with key officials of the northern province of Bac Giang on August 21.

While commending the province on its achievements in all fields, creating a premise for further development in the coming time, General Secretary Trong reminded local officials that agro-forestry is the strength of Bac Giang, which has a mountainous terrain and where 80 percent of the population live in rural areas.

“Bac Giang should not neglect agricultural development while implementing industrialisation,” the Party leader said, adding that the province should rearrange production, develop agriculture in a sustainable way, strengthen processing industry and build new-styled rural areas and the large-scale paddy field model.

Added to this, it should pay attention to human resource training, apply science-technology to agriculture production to create key high-value products on commercial scale.

As for industrial production, he suggested the province focus on developing hi-tech and supporting industries instead of spreading investment too thin.

The Party leader also urged the province to continue with efforts to strengthen the local Party organisation and authorities, especially the regular and serious implementation of the 11th Party Central Committee’s Resolution on Party building.

According to reports at the session, Bac Giang has maintained an average economic growth rate at 9.2 percent in the 2011-2013 period, with per capital GDP for 2013 estimated at 1,080 USD.

The local agricultural sector has seen comprehensive development and positive restructuring, helping form large-scale goods production areas with high productivity.

Some agro trade marks, such as Luc Ngan litchi and Yen The range chicken, have become widely known nationwide.

The province is also in the top 20 provinces and cities leading the country in education and training.

The poverty rate has reduced from 19.6 percent of the total households in 2010 to an estimated 11 percent this year.

The same day, the Party General Secretary visited Canh Thuy commune, Yen Dung district where the pilot “large-scale paddy field” model has been implemented widely.

According to the Party leader, large-scale paddy fields serve as a premise for mechanisation, industrialisation and modernisation in agricultural production, thus improving quality, productivity and people’s living conditions.-VNA

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