Party chief visits Kanagawa prefecture

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on September 18 visited Kanagawa prefecture, the fourth largest economic hub and one of Japan’s six national strategic special zones.
 Party chief visits Kanagawa prefecture ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in Kanagawa (Source: VNA)

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on September 18 visited Kanagawa prefecture, the fourth largest economic hub and one of Japan’s six national strategic special zones under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic policy.

Meeting Governor Kuroiwa Yuji, the Party chief hailed the host’s initiative to hold the Vietnam Day in Kanagawa and local investors’ effective projects underway in Vietnam.

He said he hoped that Kanagawa would continue working closely with Vietnamese partners in the fields of industry, hi-tech agriculture, and the training of quality human resources.

The leader vowed all possible support for Kanagawa to facilitate comprehensive and mutually-beneficial ties with Vietnamese localities.

The Party leader attended a ceremony launching the “Vietnam Fiesta in Kanagawa”, initiated by Governor Governor Kuroiwa Yuji, in Yokohama port city.

Opening the ceremony, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh expressed his belief that Kanagawa and Yokohama would become Vietnam’s trading gateway of top significance in Japan, contributing to deepening the bilateral extensive strategic partnership and ties between Kanagawa and Vietnamese localities in agriculture and labour.

The event, designed to introduce to Japanese and Kanagawa people the land, cultural identity and landscape of Vietnam, will last until September 20.

While in the prefecture, the Party leader witnessed the signing of an economic cooperation agreement between Hung Yen province and Kanagawa prefecture.

He also visited Fuji Electric – a world giant in electrical equipment manufacturing.

Fuji Electric President Michihiro Kitazawa suggested Vietnam modernise its infrastructure and vowed to train and recruit Vietnamese workers.-VNA


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