Party chief visits Quang Tri

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong checked out preparations for Party congresses at grassroots level in the central province of Quang Tri during his working visit on February 4.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong checked out preparations for Party congresses at grassroots level in the central province of Quang Tri during his working visit on February 4.

While touring Vinh Thuy commune in Vinh Linh district, one of the first three local communes recognised as new-style rural areas, the Party chief agreed with its future development agenda, saying that Vinh Linh can reach where it is today because it has been guided by the sound and clear-sighted Party leadership, a decisive factor in every revolutionary triumph.

The Party and the masses are inseparable, without the masses the Party has no strength while the masses cannot march forward without the Party’s leadership, he said.

Earlier, the leader paid tribute to thousands of heroic martyrs at the Quang Tri ancient citadel.

As a special national relic site, the citadel has gone down into national history as a symbol of bravery after local military units and people fought fiercely throughout 81 days against enemy troops (June 28- September 16, 1972), contributing to the success of the Paris talks and the 1975 Spring Campaign which ultimately brought about the liberation of the southern region and national re-unification.-VNA

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