Party chief welcomes Chinese Premier

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has voiced his hope that Vietnam and China will seek concrete steps to properly settle existing issues via peaceful dialogues.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has voiced his hope that Vietnam and China will seek concrete steps to properly settle existing issues via peaceful dialogues on the basis of agreements reached by both nations’ leaders.

He expressed his desire on October 14 in Hanoi while receiving Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who is on a working visit to Vietnam to expand bilateral links across diverse domains in the new context.

The Party chief urged both nations to maintain responsibility for further developing bilateral friendship – a common treasure shared by the two peoples.

The Vietnamese Party, State and people consistently value the friendly neighbourliness and the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China, he noted.

The host also highly valued the outcomes of Li’s talks with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and said he hopes both countries will enhance high-level visits, and work to develop Vietnam-China strategic cooperative partnership healthily and stably for the sake of the two peoples, and for peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

Premier Li made it clear that the Chinese Party and Government pay special attention to developing its comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Vietnam.

China will do its best, together with the Vietnamese Party, State and people, to contribute to a positive and stable Vietnam–China friendship and cooperation, he said.

The guest told his host that he is satisfied with the outcomes of his October 13 talks with PM Dung, adding that he believes under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Vietnamese people will reap more successes in national construction and development.-VNA

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