Party Congresses in review: Nine female provincial Party Committee Secretaries elected

Nine women have been elected to the post of Secretary of provincial Party Committees for the 2020-2025 tenure, and 28 newly-elected Secretaries were born in the 1970s, figures reveal.
Party Congresses in review: Nine female provincial Party Committee Secretaries elected ảnh 1Hoang Thi Thuy Lan, member of the Party Central Committee and Secretary of the 17th Party Committee of Vinh Phuc province (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) -
Nine women have been elected to the post of Secretary of provincial Party Committees for the 2020-2025 tenure, and 28 newly-elected Secretaries were born in the 1970s, figures reveal.

As of October 29, all the 67 Party organisations under the management of the Party Central Committee had completed their congresses for the 2020-2025 tenure, in line with Politburo Directive No 35-CT/TW.

Forty-two officials were re-elected to the position, of whom eight are female and 16 are from generation 7X.

Personnel work was prepared thoroughly and seriously, ensuring democracy, objectivity, and transparency, and elections took place in line with regulations.

Elected officials won a majority of votes, with many in key positions picking up 100 percent.

The congresses elected Party Committees of cities and provinces for the new tenure. During their first sessions, municipal and provincial Party Committees elected Standing Boards, Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, and Inspection Boards.

Criteria for officials were not downgraded just to ensure the personnel structure. Those with weak political will or capacity, who show degradation in ideology, morality, and lifestyle, or violate Party and State regulations, cannot hold a post in Party Committees.

Some limitations, however, remain, such as the rate of women and young people in certain committees, which don’t yet meet the requirements set out in Directive No 35. Some re-nominees failed to win a seat in Party Committees.

Party General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong said in a recent article on personnel preparations for the 13th National Party Congress that in any revolutionary cause, any sector, and any locality, officials always play a decisive role.

Personnel work is not only a key step in Party building but also an essential link in all Party activities.

The work, therefore, must be carried out with a high sense of responsibility, major resolve and effort, and objectivity, and in a scientific way, with the interests of the nation, the Party, and the people being the top priority, he stressed./.

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