Party delegation visits France

A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) led by Politburo member and Secretary of the CPV Central Committee ( CPV CC) To Huy Rua is paying a visit to France from October 26-29 at the invitation of the Communist Party of France (CPF).
A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) led by Politburo member and Secretary of the CPV Central Committee ( CPV CC) To Huy Rua is paying a visit to France from October 26-29 at the invitation of the Communist Party of France (CPF).

At his meeting with the CPF leadership led by National Secretary Pierre Laurent in Paris on October 26, the Vietnamese Party official, who is also head of the CPV CC Commission for Organisation, said the cooperation between the two parties has yielded practical outcomes in recent years.

He informed the CPF leaders about Vietnam ’s recent situations and shared experience in Party building work.

The CPF National Secretary extended sympathy to the Party, State and people of Vietnam over the death of General Vo Nguyen Giap.

He briefed the Vietnamese guests on the political, socio-economic situation in France and the CPF’s recent activities, especially the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the 1973 Paris Agreement on ending war and restoring peace in Vietnam.

Laurent assured his guest that the CPF will do its utmost to consolidate and strengthen the traditional friendship ties and effective cooperation with the CPV.-VNA

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