Party leader visits Ha Giang

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong worked with key leaders of the northernmost province of Ha Giang on the implementation of the province’s socio-economic development and Party building measures on August 27, as part of his tour to the locality.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong worked with key leaders of the northernmost province of Ha Giang on the implementation of the province’s socio-economic development and Party building measures on August 27, as part of his tour to the locality.

He hailed the province’s achievements in all areas, with GDP growth reaching 10.35 percent per year in 2011-2013.

Last year, the service sector and trade accounted for 36.3 percent of the locality’s economic activities, while industry and construction accounted for 25.9 percent, and agriculture, forestry and fisheries accounted for 37.8 percent.

Industrial production in 2013 peaked at 3.2 trillion VND, double that of 2010. That same year, Ha Giang’s per capital income was close to 15 million VND per year.

Ha Giang’s tourism sector in particular has developed rapidly, with the province welcoming more than 410,000 visitors in the first eight months of 2014, nearly as many as in all of 2013.

Party leader Trong asked the province to continually apply measures to fulfill all its targets, whilst also working on its development objectives.

He emphasised that the locality should further promote the development of agriculture and forestry through the application of advanced technology, the expansion of export markets and strengthening its processing industry.

Furthermore, Ha Giang should focus on developing its mining industry in line with environmental protection standards, whilst stepping up trans-border trade and exchanges with Chinese localities, he said.

The Party leader also pointed out that the upcoming provincial Party Congress will be a chance for the locality to strengthen the Party’s organisation and boost its political system.

At the same time, the province should also continue to implement the Party’s Central Committee’s resolution on party building as well as the Politburo’s direction on intensifying the study and pursuit of President Ho Chi Minh’s moral guidelines.

That same day, the Party chief also visited Binh Minh 3 Agriculture-Forestry Development and Trading Company in Quyet Tien commune, Quan Ba district, which employs thousands of local labourers from ethnic minority groups.

He also paid visits to outstanding Party officials and farmers, and presented them with gifts.

He also toured Binh Vang industrial park in Vi Xuyen district, where 12 different projects worth close to 5 trillion VND are currently in operation.

Also on August 27, the Party leader held a working session with the management board of the economic zone at Thanh Thuy border gate in Vi Xuyen district.-VNA

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