Party leader welcomes Cuban Party member

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has said the Party, State and people of Vietnam consistently support the fight for justice of the Cuban people and are ready to share its experiences over the last 25 years of Doi moi (renewal) with Cuba.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has said the Party, State and people of Vietnam consistently support the fight for justice of the Cuban people and are ready to share its experiences over the last 25 years of Doi moi (renewal) with Cuba.

Speaking to a delegation of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) led by Victor Gaute Lopez, a member of the PCC’s secretariat, in Hanoi on Apr. 23, Trong affirmed Vietnam ’s determination to enhance unity, friendship, mutual trust and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, two States and two peoples.

He congratulated Cuban communist comrades with the success of PCC’s first national conference earlier this year and said that with the sound policies and resolutions resulting from the conference, as well as the effort and leadership of the PCC, the Cuban people will overcome all challenges and obstacles they meet in the drive to promote socialism.

In response, Lopez briefed the Vietnamese Party leader on the results of the PCC’s first national conference and the political, economic and social situation in Cuba .

He expressed his admiration for Vietnam ’s development achievements gained during the doi moi process, saying that such achievements will be valuable lessons for Cuba .

He also said that Cuba will make every effort to bolster solidarity and friendship between the two Parties and the two countries.

Earlier on the same day, the Cuban delegation met with a delegation of the Vietnam Communist Party.
The two sides updated each other on the economic and social situation in the development process and law making. They also discussed ways to boost and expand friendship and cooperation.-VNA

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