Party official congratulates DPRK’s ruling Party on 70th anniversary

Secretary of the Party Central Committee Ha Thi Khiet congratulated the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) on its 70th anniversary during her Pyongyang visit.
Party official congratulates DPRK’s ruling Party on 70th anniversary ảnh 1Secretary of the Party Central Committee, head of the  Commission for Mass Mobilisation Ha Thi Khiet. (Photo: VNA)

Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Mass Mobilisation Ha Thi Khiet congratulated the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) on its 70th anniversary during her visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) from October 8 to 12.

In a meeting with President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly Kim Yong-nam on October 11, Khiet said the host country would achieve new things under the leadership of the WPK, led by first Secretary Kim Jong-un.

She reiterated Vietnam’s Party and State stance on developing traditional ties with DPRK, adding that she hoped the two countries could intensify mutually beneficial links through diversified cooperative models.

Kim said his country aimed to strengthen comprehensive collaboration with Vietnam, and wished that the Party, State and people of Vietnam would successfully realise the resolution set by the 11th National Party Congress and hold the upcoming 12th National Party Congress.

Earlier on October 9, Khiet held talks with Politburo member Choe Thae-bok, WPK Secretariat and chairman of the Supreme People’s Assembly.

They discussed initiatives to foster ties between the two countries and Parties, as well as regional and global issues of shared concern.

Following the talks, they witnessed the signing of a co-operation agreement between Vietnam’s Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations and the WPK’s International Department.

During the stay, the Vietnamese delegation also toured several economic, cultural and historic establishments in Pyongyang.-VNA


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