Party official: Vietnam fully supports Lao reform

Politburo member and permanent member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Tran Quoc Vuong has affirmed that Vietnam fully supports Laos’ process of reform.
Party official: Vietnam fully supports Lao reform ảnh 1During the talks (Source: VNA)
Vientiane (VNA) – Politburo member and permanent member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Tran Quoc Vuong has affirmed that Vietnam fully supports Laos’ process of reform.

During a meeting with General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and President Bounnhang Vorachith in Vientiane on October 8, Vuong expressed his belief that under the leadership of the LPRP, the Lao people will continue scoring great achievements in the cause of renovation, successfully realising the resolution adopted by the 10th Congress of the LPRP and hold Party Congresses at all levels towards the 11th National Party Congress.

He expressed his sympathy to the huge human and material losses caused by the hydropower dam collapse in Attapeu province and believed that the Lao people will soon be able to stabilise their lives and restore production.

Vuong thanked the Lao Party, National Assembly, Government, and Front For National Construction for sending messages of condolences and assigning high-ranking delegations to State funerals of former General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee Do Muoi and President Tran Dai Quang.

Vietnam will do its best to foster and further deepen the Vietnam-Laos special solidarity – a valuable asset of the two Parties and nations, and an important factor to ensure victory in the revolutionary cause of each country, he said.

Informing the host of the outcomes of his talks with Politburo member, permanent member of the Secretariat of the LPRP Central Committee, and Vice President Phankham Viphavan, Vuong vowed to work closely with Laos to effectively realise the agreements reached by the two Parties and State leaders.

The Lao leader, for his part, believed that under the leadership of the CPV, the Vietnamese people will gain even greater achievements under the cause of renewal, successfully implement the resolution adopted by the 12th National Party Congress, and turn the country into an industrialised nation with socialist orientation.

He expressed his profound condolences to the Vietnamese Party, State, and people over the passing of former General Secretary Do Muoi and President Tran Dai Quang. He also thanked Vietnam for providing timely and effective support to Lao victims following the hydropower dam collapse.

The host pledged to foster the Laos-Vietnam special solidarity and pass it down to later generations.

During the talks with Phankham Viphavan earlier the same day, both sides agreed to continue increasing visits and exchanges between high-ranking leaders of the two Parties and countries to share information and experience in Party and political system building, socio-economic development, and global integration; to raise public awareness of the bilateral special relations; to work closely together to maintain political and security stability, social safety, and order; and effectively promote ties in trade, economy, investment, culture, education-training, and science-technology.

They promised to direct ministries, agencies, mass organisations, and localities to effectively implement agreements reached by high-ranking leaders and the contents reached at the 40th meeting of the Inter-Governmental Committee on Vietnam-Laos Bilateral Cooperation.

Following the talks, host and guest witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction and the Lao Ministry of Public Works and Transport. –VNA


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