Party official welcomes visit by US senators

Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong welcomed a delegation of US senators, led by Vice Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Appropriations Patrick Leahy, during a reception in Hanoi on April 18 to mark the beginning of their visit to Vietnam.
Party official welcomes visit by US senators ảnh 1Politburo member and Permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong (R) and Vice Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Appropriations Patrick Leahy (Source: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong welcomed a delegation of US senators, led by Vice Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Appropriations Patrick Leahy, during a reception in Hanoi on April 18 to mark the beginning of their visit to Vietnam.

Vuong conveyed his thanks to US parliamentarians, including Leahy, for their important contributions to the normalisation and development of Vietnam-US ties over the years.

He believed that the visit will promote bilateral ties, especially as the two countries are looking to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the normalisation of bilateral ties in 2020.

The host affirmed the Vietnamese Party and State’s consistent policy of treasuring ties with the US. He also suggested that both sides facilitate the exchange of all-level visits and improve the efficiency of cooperation in diverse areas, especially in economy, trade, education-training, and post-war recovery, contributing to further strengthening Vietnam-US comprehensive partnership.

Leahy, for his part, spoke highly of Vietnam’s role and significant contributions to regional and global issues.

Welcoming the substantial and effective development of Vietnam-US ties in recent years, he affirmed that the US wants to further solidify its comprehensive partnership with Vietnam in a wide range of areas, including addressing the consequences of war.

The guest pledged to continue with these post-war recovery efforts in Vietnam, including work on the Bien Hoa airport remediation project, providing support for Agent Orange/dioxin victims, and searching for information about Vietnamese soldiers missing in action during the war.–VNA


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