Tel Aviv (VNA) – The Vietnamese Party, State and people always valueand attach much importance to enhancing the sound friendship and cooperationwith Israel, a Party official has said.
During the visit to the country from July 23 to 26 at the invitation of theruling Likud party and Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Politburo member, Secretary of the PartyCentral Committee and head of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation CommissionPham Minh Chinh met with Chairman of Likud party and Prime Minister BejaminNetanyahu, and held talks with several Israeli officials.
At the meetings, Chinh expressed his admiration for the robust development ofIsrael across the fields of economy, trade, science, technology, and startupand innovation. He also asked the Israeli authorities to create favourableconditions for the Vietnamese people community in the host nation.
Lauding Chinh’s visit, the Israeli leaders described it as an important eventin the relations between the two parties, states, and peoples. Theycongratulated Vietnam on her achievements in the national construction anddevelopment cause, while speaking highly of the country’s rising role in theregion and the world and expressing their hope to elevate the bilateralrelations into a more practical and effective manner in the time ahead.
Both sides shared experience in building high-quality public servants,mechanisms to utilize and attract talents in the public sector, as well asarrangement and management of Party personnel.
They agreed the two parties and states should boost the fruitful friendshipthrough enhancing delegation exchanges at all levels, continuing the politicalconsultation mechanism and inter-governmental cooperation mechanism, acceleratingthe negotiations of bilateral trade pacts and push up the implementation of thesigned agreements.
As agriculture is a centre in the bilateral cooperation, they reached consensuson carrying out technology transfer projects as well as stepping upagricultural training courses in Israel.
In addition, they were unanimous in promoting collaboration inscience-technology, innovation, and security-defence.
It is necessary for the two nations to set up a direct air route, they said,adding charter flights should be launched first to promote trade and tourismexchange.
They also pledged close coordination and cooperation at regional andinternational multilateral forums, as well as committed support for each otherto extend relations with countries in the region.
During his stay, Chinh had a working session with the Vietnamese Embassy andcommunity in Israel, during which he asked the embassy to complete itsentrusted missions, and work to concretise agreements already inked between thetwo countries, making contributions to enhancing the relations between the two partiesand states.-VNA