Party Organisation congresses a success

All 68 Party Organisations under the Party Central Committee’s management nationwide have decided on socio-economic development orientations and strategies for 2015-2020.
Party Organisation congresses a success ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source:VNA)

Hanoi (VNA)
- All 68 Party Organisations under the Party Central Committee’s management nationwide have decided on socio-economic development orientations and strategies for 2015-2020, and prepared personnel for the Party’s upcoming 12th National Congress. 

The Organisations were aware that building the Party was a key task so they decided to continue working hard toward enhanced leadership, combat capacity in the political system, and strengthened and unified administrations.

As Hanoi is the national political, economic and cultural centre, its Party Organisation said it would rally all available resources for comprehensive, uniform reforms, industrialisation and modernisation with a view to making the capital more beautiful, cultured and modern.

The Party Organisation of Ho Chi Minh City, which holds an extremely important role in the southern key economic zone, will maintain the City’s role as a socio-economic locomotive and become one of the biggest economic, financial, commercial, scientific and technological metropolises in Southeast Asia.

Ha Giang is located in the northernmost point of the S-shaped country, neighbouring China. The province’s Party Organisation decided to maximise the power of national unity, and utilise its strengths and potential to help it become a developed province.

From 2015 to 2020, the Party Organisation of the central city of Da Nang aimed to turn the city into an economic, social, cultural hub and a driving force for the Central and Central Highlands regions. It will work on improving tourism and trade, drawing investments in technology, developing well-built infrastructure and building a high-quality workforce.

The Party Organisation of Dak Lak province has determined it will swiftly improve its investment environment, accelerate administrative reforms, protect the environment, pay heed to creating better living conditions for local people, and firmly maintain defence-security and social order, to make the locality a socio-economic, cultural centre in the Central Highlands.

In the Mekong Delta, the Party Organisation of Can Tho city has resolved to press ahead with its economic growth model reform and economic restructuring. It aims to achieve harmonious development for urban and rural areas and improve living conditions.

The Party Organisation of the southern coastal province of Kien Giang is determined to firmly defend the country’s border, island and sea sovereignty. It will also develop Phu Quoc Island district as a development driver for the entire province.

In the southernmost province of Ca Mau, the Party Organisation has set to prioritise the development of fisheries, agriculture and forestry, along with the construction of new rural areas.

Personnel preparations for the next working tenure from 2015-2020 have been achieved.

The congresses elected 3,502 personnel for the Party Organisations’ Central Committees.

More than 15 percent of Central Committee members in 21 Party Organisations are women. These include northern Tuyen Quang province (27.65 percent), southern Kien Giang province (25 percent), southern Binh Phuoc province (21.82 percent) and Ho Chi Minh City (21.74 percent).

Meanwhile, more than 20 percent of Central Committee members in 11 Party Organisations were from ethnic minority groups – mainly in northern mountainous regions, including Bac Kan (72 percent), Hoa Binh (70.4 percent), Lang Son (53.7 percent), Son La (43.6 percent) and Tuyen Quang (43.14 percent).

Among the 61 new Secretaries of the Party Organisation Central Committees, 39 were re-elected, two were under 40 (in Da Nang and Kien Giang province) and three were female (in Vinh Phuc, Ninh Binh and An Giang provinces).

The Political Bureau appointed the Secretaries for the Party Central Committees of Soc Trang and Lang Son provinces for the 2015-2020 working term.

It will also appoint the secretaries of the Party Central Committees of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, as well as the Central Military Commission and the Central Public Security Party for the 2015-2020 working tenure.

The Party’s Secretariat will appoint a Central Committee for the Overseas Party Organisation.-VNA


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