Party, State leaders pay Tet visits

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong paid a Tet visit to the Party committee, authorities and people of the central province of Quang Nam on Jan. 13-14.
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong paid a Tet visit to the Party committee, authorities and people of the central province of Quang Nam on Jan. 13-14.

At a Jan. 14 meeting with key officials and people of Quang Nam province, the Party leader wished them a happy new year and success in implementing the province’s socio-economic targets.

He reminded the local Party committee and authorities to pay more attention to the people’s lives.

Earlier, the Party leader visited the Tam Phuoc commune in Phu Ninh district – which was pilot locality in building the new style rural area and has to date fulfilled 18 out of 19 criteria on new rural area construction.

Trong visited and presented gifts to 88-year-old Vietnamese heroic mother Nguyen Thi Chien, whose husband and two children sacrificed their lives for the country.

He also visited the revolutionary base relic site in Song Tra commune of Hiep Duc district, where he lit incense in memory of Vo Chi Cong, late chairman of the State of Council .

The Party leader met with people of ethnic groups in the three poor mountainous communes of Song Tra, Phuoc Tra and Phuoc Gia and presented gifts to 88-year-old Vietnamese heroic mother Do Thi Thang, revolutionary veterans and needy families.

Meanwhile on Jan. 14 in Hanoi , President Truong Tan Sang met with writers and artists, wishing them a happy new year.

He said with their talent, tireless work and creativeness, writers and artists have been making contributions to preserving and promoting the nation’s valuable traditional cultural value.

He said he believed that as fighters on the ideological front, the writers and artists will continue joining hands with other circles, branches and localities to successfully implement political tasks and targets for 2012 and the Resolution of the 11th Party Congress.

Also the same day, President Sang paid a New Year visit to Prof. Vu Khieu, who at the age of 97 is working on a three-volume book on 1,000 years of Thang Long-Hanoi, a study project that he wrote for the past 10 years./.

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