Party ties important to Vietnam, China

Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Xuan Thang was hosted by Chen Xi, Politburo member and Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Head of the CPC Central Committee’s Organisation Department in Beijing on May 29.
Party ties important to Vietnam, China ảnh 1Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Xuan Thang delivers a speech at a seminar on Karl Marx’s ideology in the 21st Century and the future of socialism in the world in China. (Photo: VNA)

Beijing (VNA) – Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Xuan Thang was hosted by Chen Xi, Politburo member and Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Head of the CPC Central Committee’s Organisation Department in Beijing on May 29.

Speaking at the meeting, Chen, also President of the Central Party School, expressed his delight at the strong development of the Vietnam-China relations in recent years.

The Party and Government of China attach great importance to the ties with Vietnam and want to work with the Party, State and people of Vietnam to further consolidate and expand the partnership between the two Parties and States, he said.

He expected the two sides will continue increasing exchange of high-level visits, reinforcing political trust and fostering cooperation in multiple fields, people-to-people exchange and ties between the two Parties in the time ahead.

Thang, for his part, congratulated China on the success of the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017 and voiced his belief that under the leadership of the CPC and General Secretary Xi Jinping, the people of China will inevitably accomplish goals and tasks set forth by the congress.

He highly spoke of the progress seen in the relations between the two Parties and States in recent times, saying the Party, Government and people of Vietnam always treasure and wish to develop a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China.

He expected the two sides will continue well implementing agreements and common perceptions reached by the two countries’ top leaders and enhance the effectiveness of their cooperation in all fields.

Thang, who is also Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council and Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, has been on a visit to China.

He has joined representatives from 62 communist, workers and left-wing parties of other countries in a seminar on Karl Marx’s ideology in the 21st Century and the future of socialism in the world.

He has met with Huang Kunming, head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee; Xie Chuntao, Vice President of the Central Party School to learn about the key contents of the 19th CPC National Congress. -VNA


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