Party’s leadership - decisive factor for every victory of Vietnam revolution

Reality over the past 85 years has proved that the correct and clear-sighted leadership of the Party is the decisive factor behind every victory of the Vietnamese revolution, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said.
Reality over the past 85 years has proved that the correct and clear-sighted leadership of the Party is the decisive factor behind every victory of the Vietnamese revolution, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong said.

In his speech at a meeting marking the 85th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) held in Hanoi on February 2, the Party leader affirmed that in Vietnam there is no other political force than the CPV that has enough will, brainpower, experience, prestige and capacity to lead the country through all difficulties and challenges to final success.

Looking back at the Party’s history from its formation, development and contributions, General Secretary Trong highlighted the historic meaning of the Party’s foundation on February 3, 1930.

“The birth of the CPV is a great turning point in our country’s revolutionary history, marking a milestone in our nation’s development path,” he said, stressing that despite numerous ups and downs and mistakes at times, the Party has seriously worked to correct its shortcomings, thus winning over the people’s trust and support. That is why the Party has been able to lead the Vietnamese revolutionary from victory to victory, recording such accomplishments as the August Revolution in 1945 and the resistance wars to liberate and defend the nation as well as the Doi Moi (renovation) cause, the Party leader said.

He stressed, “Over recent years, the Party has devoted a great amount of time and great efforts to the key task of Party building. The Party has conducted a drive on Party strengthening in line with the Resolution of the 4th Plenum of the Party Central Committee (11th tenure) and gained initial important outcomes and lessons, helping stop and partly curb negative phenomena, enhancing the Party’s leadership and combat capacity.”

The Party leader continued, saying “However, there remains a lot to do in strengthening the Party, and the general direction for this task is to build on the good traditions, preserve and fortify the Party’s revolutionary nature and vanguard role, thus building a Party really strong and pure in all terms, from politics, ideology, ethics, organisation, personnel to style of leadership, enhancing the ties between the Party and the masses, ensuring that the Party is capable of leading the country on the path of constant development.”

General Secretary Trong noted that the Party’s Doi Moi cause has been carried out for nearly 30 years now, which has brought about historic achievements.

“From a poor and backward country seriously devastated by many years of war and trade embargos, Vietnam has risen with rapid economic growth along the direction of industrialization and modernization while building a market-oriented socialist economy,” he said, adding that the country’s power has greatly increased, thus creating a new position and new momentum for development with bright prospects.

The Party leader said this year, the international and domestic situations create many opportunities and advantages, but also pose many difficulties and challenges, requiring the Party, the people and army as a whole to make all out efforts with the highest resolve to fulfil the set tasks.

He voiced the firm belief that the CPV will fulfil its mission and the Party, the people and the army will unite as one to build a country of peace, independence, unity, democracy and prosperity, strongly advancing on the path to socialism.

The meeting was co-organised by the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, the President, the Government, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and the Hanoi authorities.

The event was broadcast live on national television and radio.-VNA

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