Hanoi (VNA) –The average patient satisfaction index (PSI) in 2018 improved slightly to4.04/5, or 80.8 percent of their expectation, compared to 3.98/5 and 79.6 percent in 2017.
The 2018 figure wasannounced by the Health Ministry in coordination with Vietnam-initiative (VNI)at a workshop on May 30.
Director of the Medical ServicesAdministration (MSA) under the Ministry of Health Luong Ngoc Khue said the PSI2018 was based on a survey of more than 7,500 in-patients and their caregiversat 60 hospitals in 23 provinces and cities.
Amongthe hospitals, 13 were rated as very good (21.7 percent), 26 were rated as good(43.3 percent) and the remaining 21 were rated fair (35 percent).
The2018 PSI was the joint work of the Health Ministry, the VNI, and the Indiana Universityof the US under the “Equitable Healthcare through PSI” funded by Oxfam Vietnamand the embassies of Belgium and the Netherlands in Vietnam.
Hospitals haveconducted surveys on patient satisfaction since 2015 among both in-patients andout-patients who are receiving treatment. However, the PSI survey focuses oninpatients who have been released from hospital.
Deputy HealthMinister Nguyen Ngoc Tien said the survey aimed to determine the needs ofpatients and shortcomings in the country’s healthcare system. The lessonslearnt from the survey will help the health sector and hospitals improve theircheck-up and examination services. -VNA