The ceiling price of E5 RON 92 petrol was kept at 20,878 VND (0.89 USD) and thatof RON 95 at 22,015 VND per litre.
Meanwhile, the price of 0.05S diesel oil was capped at 18,174 VND per litre, up 146 VNDper litre from the previous adjustment, and the ceiling kerosene price wasadjusted up 133 VND to 17,956 VND per litre.
At this price adjustment, the two ministries decided to extract 191 VND perlitre from the sale of E5RON92,139 VND per litre from the sale of RON 95 petrol and 100 VND per litre from alltypes of oil for the petrol price stabilisationfund./.