On May 18, the Investigation Security Agency arrested Nay YBlang (also known as Ma Tuong), who resides Song Hinhdistrict's Ea Lam commune.
He regularly used his own house to gather several CHPCmembers in Ea Lam commune of Song Hinh district for online meetings with core membersof the organisation in Vietnam.
Although local authorities repeatedly explained thatjoining a religious or belief organisation must strictly comply with the Law onBelief and Religion, Nay y Blang ignored it. The man considered himself amissionary and organised illegal religious activities, incited and lured many othersto participate in the organisation, which runs against the law.
He also repeatedly provided false information for foreignindividuals and organisations, slandered and distorted the State's belief andreligion policies in order to degrade Vietnam's prestige in the internationalarena./.