The cooperation plan aims at enhancing their coordination foreffective implementation of tasks in the field, towards the goals ofbuilding a safe and friendly environment that ensures equal educationand development opportunity for all children.
Numerous tasks have been outlined in the plan, including revising legaldocuments in the field; building an interdisciplinary cooperationframework at all levels; and improving educators’ capacity inprotecting, caring for and educating children.
Aworkshop was also held on the same day to review the implementation ofchild protection, care and education at schools in the period from 2010to 2013 as well as current school health and nutrition situation.
According to MoET’s Student Affairs Department, in the coming time,the ministry will focus on developing the school system, encouragingchildren to go to school and improving learning quality at all schoollevels.
More assistance will be provided to poor and ethnic minority areas to develop education.
During 2010-2013, the education sector focused on reforming school curriculum, particularly at preschool level.
A school reinforcement programme was widely implemented withpriorities for the poor mountainous areas, building 93,000 newclassrooms and 23,140 teachers’ rooms, with total investment capital ofover 32 trillion VND (1.5 trillion USD).-VNA