Addressing a cabinet meeting, PMChinh requested the State Bank of Vietnam, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministryof Construction to effectively implement issued documents and settle legalobstacles for the three markets and supervise the implementation process.
Specifically, they were requested to support the financialmarket, guide and supervise the implementation of relevantpolicies among credit institutions, ensure safety of the system, and avoid risksof law violations, while applying interest rate reductions to increase thecapital access and absorption capacity of people and businesses.
For the corporate bond market, it is crucial to design tools, methods andmeasures to provide necessary conditions for bond issuers to pay bondholders inaccordance with the law, said the PM.
Regarding the real estate market, the PMunderlined the need to give capital assistance to businesses to complete worksand projects to bring more products to the market. Alongside, it is necessaryto reform administrative procedures, he said, asking real estate firms to restructuremarket segments and make full use of the 120-trillion-VND (5.10 billion USD) supportpackage for social housing and housing for workers.
The Government leader ordered State-owned commercial banks to guide the financialmarket and support economic development through the reduction of interestrates.
He pledged that the Government will be responsible of maintaining macro-economicstability, controlling inflation, promoting growth and ensuring major economicbalances, while applying proper fiscal and monetary policies.
PM Chinh also assigned specific tasks toparticular ministries and sectors to continue cutting administrativeprocedures, completing planning design, settling obstacles in land, andspeeding up public investment disbursements.
He also asked for the adjustments of the 2%interest rate support policy and the consideration of the reduction andextension of taxes and fees, as well as the finalising of a report on impactassessments and plans to apply the global minimum tax./.