PM asks Tien Giang to boost growth based on farming, tourism

PM asks Tien Giang to boost growth based on farming, tourism, logistics

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc recommended the Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang develop its economy based on agriculture, tourism and logistics at a meeting with local authorities on August 9.
PM asks Tien Giang to boost growth based on farming, tourism, logistics ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the working session with Tien Giang officials on August 9 (Photo: VNA)

Tien Giang (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc recommended the Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang develop its economy based on agriculture, tourism and logistics at a meeting with local authorities on August 9.

At the working session, PM Phuc suggested Tien Giang steer its growth along applying technologies in farming and making clean fruit part of the high-end segment in the market, and carrying out research to turn the local Xoai Rap deep-water port into a logistics centre serving the demand in the region. He also pointed to farm produce processing and eco-tourism as other key growth drivers.

Lauding the province’s economic achievements, Phuc said Tien Giang, together with Long An, Can Tho and Kien Giang, has favourable conditions to thrive in the delta.

Tien Giang is reported to grow 8 percent on average in the past two years. It now accounts for 9.2 percent of the Mekong Delta’s gross regional domestic product and 1.5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product.

The Government leader called agro-forestry-fishery the major pillar of the local economy and asked Tien Giang to strive to have more new-style rural communes. The current figure for these communes is 100 out of the total of 144.

Reports at the session said Tien Giang fulfilled 62.5 percent of its budget collection goal set for 2018, and PM Phuc said this serves an important basis for Tien Giang to balance its budget in the future.

The government leader also pointed to shortcomings of the economy, including growth rate does not match potential, growth remains unsustainable and uneven, and linkages among economic sectors are still weak.

He asked Tien Giang to do its best in handling the issue of planning and land clearing, and ordered local authorities to crackdown on credit fraud.

The PM highlighted Tien Giang should prioritise education as an essential factor for sustainable development, come up with specific policy to join the 4th industrial revolution, and put forth measures for climate change adaptation.

At the function, local authorities requested the PM to provide guidance for their implementation of projects on industrial development and addressing coastal landslides.-VNA

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