PM calls for stronger security ties with Laos

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc urged the public security forces of Vietnam and Laos to strengthen collaboration to ensure political security and social order in both countries,
PM calls for stronger security ties with Laos ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and Lao Minister of Public Security Somkeo Silavong (VNA) 
Hanoi (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc urged the public security forces of Vietnam and Laos to strengthen collaboration to ensure political security and social order in both countries during a reception for Lao Minister of Public Security Somkeo Silavong in Hanoi on August 17.

The PM said the two public security forces must work together to thwart all plots by hostile forces to undermine the special Vietnam-Laos solidarity, underscoring the need to prevent any hostile force to make use of the territory of one country to hurt security and order of the other.

He also called for joint efforts to fight crimes and build a borderline of peace, friendship, stability and comprehensive development.  

PM Phuc assured the Lao minister that Vietnam consistently fosters the friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with the Lao Party, State, government and people.

Silavong, for his part, said his visit aims to nurture friendship and solidarity between the two nations and their public security forces, adding that the two public security forces are also preparing for upcoming celebratory and exchange activities.

He wished that the Vietnamese government and PM would continue pushing ties between the two public security forces forward.

The Lao Minister of Public Security is in Vietnam for a visit and to attend exchange activities with the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security on the occasion of the Year of Vietnam – Laos Solidarity and Friendship 2017.-VNA

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