PM continues activities in Russia

As part of his official visit to Russia, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on May 14 met with representatives of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association (RVFA) and a number of leading Russian enterprises.
As part of his official visit to Russia, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on May 14 met with representatives of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association (RVFA) and a number of leading Russian enterprises.

At his meeting with RVFA members in Moscow, Dung expressed his pleasure at the strong development of the two countries’ ties over the past years, affirming that Vietnam attaches importance to and prioritises fostering the comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia.

Together with pushing two-way trade to reach seven billion USD by 2015, the two sides are actively implementing strategic projects, including the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Vietnam, which is considered as a symbol of the friendship and cooperation between the two countries in the 21st century, he said.

Besides, bilateral cooperation in military technology, energy, science and technology as well as education and training has expanded unceasingly, as has cultural exchange between the two peoples, he noted.

The PM recognised the whole-hearted help and support that the Russian people have given to Vietnam during the country’s cause of national defence and construction, and praised the RVFA’s significant contributions to the development of the traditional friendship between the two countries.

He proposed that the association continue to assist the Vietnamese community in Russia in integrating into society in the host country.

Meeting managers from top businesses of Russia such as Alltech Group, Sukhoi Company, Rosneft Company and VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, Dung affirmed that the Vietnamese Government will create all possible conditions for Russian firms to invest in Vietnam.

He encouraged businesses of both countries to expand their cooperation to new areas, including the exploration, exploitation and processing of oil and gas and titanium, aviation and telecommunications.-VNA

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