Hanoi (VNA) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on July 23 issuedDirective 29/CT-TTg on urgent measures to tighten the management of wildlife.
The directive stresses Vietnam’s consistent view on tightening theenforcement of national and international laws on wildlife in order to realizeits relevant international commitments.
In line with the stance, the PM directs suspending the import ofwildlife, be dead or alive, their eggs, larvas, parts, derivatives (exceptaquatic animals used for the production and processing of food and animal feedas specified in legal regulations, parts of wild animals already processed tobe used as materials for drug production or final products) until newinstructions are made.
For wildlife already licensed by foreign CITES authorities to export toVietnam, the customs agency at the border gate must require the wildlife bereturn to the place of export.
The PM also orders ministries to review legal documents with a view toamending and supplementing punishments on the act of illegally consuming wildlife.
Localities are required to abolish wildlife markets or trading sites,keep a tight management of and strictly handle acts of illegally poaching, buying,selling, transporting, slaughtering, consuming, storing, advertising and abusingwildlife, especially animal, bird and reptile species in the natural environment.
The document also urges officials, State employees and their familiesnot to join in illegally hunting, catching, buying, selling, transporting, slaughtering,consuming, storing and advertising wildlife.
Besides, the PM instructsministries and local authorities to enhance their supervision of the raising of wildlife, and intensify the fight against violations of wildlife-relatedregulations and laws./.