Directive 13/CT-TTg issued on June 25 said the overall target for 2014is to boost economic development while maintaining macroeconomicstability; implement strong economic restructuring and renovation ofeconomic growth model; ensure social security and welfare and improvepeople’s living standards; expand and increase efficiency of externalactivities and international integration; and strengthen nationaldefence and ensure political security and social order and safety.
The government’s head requires that all domestic and foreignresources should be mobilized for economic development; monetary policyshould focusing on stabilising the Vietnamese currency, supplyingsufficient capital to the economy, helping curb inflation at around 7percent; bad debt must be gradually reduced;
Regarding social security, the PM instructs relevant ministries, sectorsand local governments to implement policies and mechanisms to createnew jobs while policies and programmes aiming to reducing poverty shouldbe further strengthened, especially in poor, remote and mountainousregions.
He also urges more efforts to improvepreventive medicine to prevent epidemic diseases, and to ease theoverloading in hospitals.
As for budgetary estimates, the PM stresses the policy of practising thrift and fighting wastefulness.-VNA