PM hopes Costa Rica bridges Vietnam, Latin America

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has voiced his desire that Costa Rica will be a springboard for economic, trade and investment cooperation between Vietnam and Latin American countries.
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has voiced his desire that Costa Rica will be a springboard for economic, trade and investment cooperation between Vietnam and Latin American countries.

Meeting with visiting Costa Rican Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship Jose Enrique Catillo Barrantes in Hanoi on October 28, the PM highly valued the outcomes of his talks with Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh, saying that he believes the visit will help push bilateral friendship and cooperation forward.

The host suggested building institutional frameworks, with priority given to stepping up discussions towards signing agreements on double taxation avoidance and investment protection.

He also called for stronger bilateral coordination at multilateral forums while carrying on with political consultation mechanisms.

Barrantes made it clear that his visit is meant to further accelerate bilateral economic, trade and investment cooperation.

He informed his host that both sides talked about ways to cement cooperation and agreed that the signing of agreements on education, culture, investment protection and double taxation avoidance is crucial.

Costa Rica stands ready to help Vietnam bolster links with Latin American nations, he stated.-VNA

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