PM meets leaders of Japan-Vietnam Friendship Associations

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with leaders of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Associations of the Kansai region and Sakai city on June 29 as part of his trip to Osaka of Japan to attend the 14th G20 Summit.
PM meets leaders of Japan-Vietnam Friendship Associations ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (right) and President of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association in the Kansai region Teichi Nishimura (Photo: VNA)

Osaka (VNA)
– Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with leaders of theJapan-Vietnam Friendship Associations of the Kansai region and Sakai city onJune 29 as part of his trip to Osaka of Japan to attend the 14th G20 Summit.

Ata meeting with President of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association in theKansai region Teichi Nishimura, PM Phuc applauded the association’scontributions to the friendship between the two countries, and betweenbusinesses of Vietnam and the region.

Theleader expressed his hope that the association will step up cultural exchangeand cooperation activities, as well as economic and trade links between the twocountries, with attention paid to products of Kansai’s strength.

Hecalled on the association to create conditions for and encourage Kansaibusinesses to invest in Vietnam, while assisting Vietnamese investors in theJapanese region.

PMPhuc suggested the association pay more heed to preserving and upholding thefriendship between Vietnam and Japan, especially among young people.

Apartfrom economic cooperation, the association’s activities aiming to promotepeople-to-people exchanges have also brought about practical outcomes, hestressed.

Nishimurasaid PM Phuc’s attendance at the G20 Summit as a guest and his visit to Japanhave affirmed Vietnam’s increasing role and position in the internationalarena, as well as the fruitful development of the friendship and extensivestrategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia between the twocountries.

Informingthe Vietnamese leader about the association’s activities over the past time, hesaid the association will increase activities aiming to accelerate theimplementation of Japan’s investment projects in Vietnam with more diverse andeffective models.
PM meets leaders of Japan-Vietnam Friendship Associations ảnh 2PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (right) and President of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association in Sakai city Hitoshi Kato (Photo: VNA)

Meetingwith Hitoshi Kato, President of the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association inSakai, PM Phuc stressed that the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnershipis developing strongly with high political trust, creating favourableconditions for people-to-people exchanges as well as bilateral economic andtrade links.

Heapplauded sentiments and contributions of the association to intensifyingexchanges between citizens of the two countries, and the bilateralcollaboration in national defence, economy and culture.

Theleader suggested the association encourage its members to cooperate with andinvest in Vietnam, promote cooperation in human resources development, receivemore Vietnamese students and continue to support the Vietnamese community inSakai.

Forhis part, Kato said the association is engaging in some projects in Vietnam,including those on supporting tuna farming, mitigating environmental pollutionrisks, planting cherry blossom and establishing a Koi fish breeding centre inthe central province of Binh Dinh.

Theassociation will work harder to contribute to beefing up the friendship andcooperation between businesses and people of Vietnam and Japan in general and Sakaiin particular, he promised.-VNA 

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