PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets mayor of NZ’s Auckland city

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has urged New Zealand’s Auckland city to expand its cooperation with Vietnam, especially in economy and trade, contributing doubling two-way trade between the two countries in the time ahead.
PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets mayor of NZ’s Auckland city ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (4th, left) and Auckland’s mayor Phil Goff  (4th, right). (Source: VNA)

 Auckland (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has urged New Zealand’s Auckland city to expand its cooperation with Vietnam, especially in economy and trade, contributing doubling two-way trade between the two countries in the time ahead.

He made the suggestion at a meeting with Auckland’s mayor Phil Goff on March 12 as part of his on-going official visit to New Zealand.

The PM also asked the two sides to step up their partnerships in education, science-technology, human resources development, urban planning, infrastructure development, high-tech agriculture and green energy.

The leader expressed his belief that with the foundation of the Vietnam-New Zealand relationship and its strength, Auckland will step up collaboration with Vietnamese localities, helping deepen the comprehensive partnership between the two countries, gearing towards a new height.

He called on the mayor and the Auckland authority to create more favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in the city to integrate into the host society.

For his part, Goff congratulated Vietnam on its achievements, especially in economy, describing them as results of efforts made by Vietnamese leaders and people over the past time.

He highlighted the rapid and strong development of the Vietnam-New Zealand relationship, especially people-to-people exchange and cooperation between the two countries’ localities.

Auckland now houses nearly 3,000 Vietnamese, he said, highly valuing their contributions to the local development.-VNA

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