PM pays working visit to Japan’s Tochigi prefecture

Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on November 23 paid a working visit to Tochigi prefecture, where he received its Governor Fukuda Tomikazu, and attended a conference on cooperation between Vietnamese and Japanese localities as part of his official visit to Japan.
PM pays working visit to Japan’s Tochigi prefecture ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (fourth from left) witnesses handover ceremony of cooperation agreement between Vinh Phuc and Tochigi (Photo: VNA)
Tochigi (VNA) – Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on November 23 paid a working visit to Tochigi prefecture, where he received its Governor Fukuda Tomikazu, and attended a conference on cooperation between Vietnamese and Japanese localities as part of his official visit to Japan.

Receiving Fukuda, PM Chinh welcomed the positive development in cooperation between Tochigi and Vietnamese localities, including the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Vinh Phuc province during this visit, thus making practical contributions to the strong and extensive development in all fields of Vietnam - Japan relations.

He thanked the Governor and his prefecture for creating favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

PM pays working visit to Japan’s Tochigi prefecture ảnh 2Meeting between Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Governor Fukuda Tomikazu (Photo: VNA)
The Vietnamese leader suggested Fukuda back the expansion of collaboration and investment with Vietnamese localities to make full use of potential and existing cooperation mechanisms, share experience in sustainable development with Vietnam through all-level delegation exchanges, and support local businesses to strengthen economic, trade and investment ties with the Southeast Asian nation.

Noting that potential for bilateral cooperation remains huge, PM Chinh affirmed that the Vietnamese government is willing to create all possible conditions for Tochigi’s enterprises to do business and invest successfully in Vietnam.

Fukuda said that 22 enterprises from the prefecture are currently investing in Vietnam. The Vietnamese community in the province is now the largest expat community in Tochigi with 8,000 people, he said.

He affirmed that Tochigi wishes to intensify cooperation with more localities in Vietnam, and wants to receive more highly-skilled  workers and technical apprentices from Vietnam.

PM pays working visit to Japan’s Tochigi prefecture ảnh 3Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at conference on cooperation between Vietnamese and Japanese localities (Photo: VNA)
Speaking at the conference on cooperation between Vietnamese and Japanese localities, PM Chinh stated that Vietnam has a stable political environment, and its relationship with Japan is at its best ever, thus creating favourable opportunities for businesses in Tochigi in particular and Japan in general to invest in Vietnam.

He showed his hope that Tochigi and Japanese businesses would pour capital in Vietnam in climate change response, healthcare capacity improvement, clean energy, green energy and digital economy.

On this occasion, PM Chinh witnessed the signing of the cooperation agreement between Vinh Phuc province and Tochigi prefecture./.

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