Binh Phuoc (VNA) – Prime Minister Nguyen XuanPhuc has commended Army Corps 16 under the Ministry of Defence on its role inlocal socio-economic development and defence-security maintenance during his visitto the military corps in the southeast province of Binh Phuoc on August 20.
Army Corps 16 is tasked with developing socio-economy andensuring defence-security for Binh Phuoc and the Central Highlands provinces ofDak Nong and Dak Lak.
PM Phuc particularly lauded efforts made by the corps’ personnelin fostering friendship and maintaining security and social order along theVietnam – Cambodia border line.
The Government leader underlined the new requirements thatsurfaced in the new defence-security situation, especially increasingsabotaging activities by hostile forces in the border area, and asked the armycorps to stay close to local residents and maintain connection with localauthorities in developing local socio-economy in line with ensuringdefence-security.
He suggested the corps to focus on its business and productiontasks while continuing to join in efforts for poverty alleviation and new-stylerural building aiming at better living standards for local ethnic communities.
Reporting to the PM on the performance of the unit, Commander- Major General Pham Ngoc Tuan, said Army Corps 16 has joined hands with localauthorities to settle down more than 5,000 households with close to 25,000people.
According to Tuan, the corps’ units have expanded thecultivation of industrial trees with high commercial value like coffee, rubber,cashew, macadamia, and peppercorn.
It has worked with localities to build new-style rural areasalong the Vietnam – Cambodia border line and strengthen the defence-securityarrangements in the region.
The Army Corps has also paid special attention to socialactivities such as offering free health check-up and medicines to locals, andhelping with the humanitarian work.-VNA