On the basis of the two countries’ good neighbourliness,traditional friendship, and comprehensive and long-term sustainable cooperationbetween Vietnam and Cambodia, Chinh affirmed that he will work to strengthen thesides’ coordination serving the same purpose.
The King took the occasion to thank Vietnam for her activeassistance to Cambodia’s ASEAN chairmanship this year.
Welcoming ASEAN leaders, King Sihamoni stressed his beliefthat the exchange of goodwill and sincerity between countries will contributeto strengthening the value of dialogue and cooperation, and promoting their mutualtrust and understanding.
He stated Cambodia will work closely with other nations tomaintain the collaboration momentum of the ASEAN Community and increase ASEAN'scentrality for concerted efforts in finding solutions to current problems.
Participating ASEAN leaders voiced their support forCambodia and said they believe that under the country's chairmanship, ASEAN summits willachieve substantive results, creating a premise and driving force for the bloc’scooperation in the coming years in the spirit of "One Vision, OneIdentity, One Community"./.