Politburo gives opinions on socio-economic performance

The Politburo listened to the Party delegation to the Government’s reports on the 2021 socio-economic performance, the 2022 socio-economic development plan, the 2021 State budget, the 2022 State budget estimate and 2022-2024 finance-State budget plan, and the time for salary reform, during a meeting in Hanoi on September 17.
Politburo gives opinions on socio-economic performance ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the event (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – The Politburo listened to the Party delegation to the Government’s reports on the 2021 socio-economic performance, the 2022 socio-economic development plan, the 2021 State budget, the 2022 State budget estimate and 2022-2024 finance-State budget plan, and the time for salary reform, during a meeting in Hanoi on September 17.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong chaired the event, which also saw the presence of President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

The Party leader said since the fourth COVID-19 wave hit the country in late April, the country has been facing great challenges that could last till late 2021 or early 2022, making it hard to fulfill key targets set for this year.
Politburo gives opinions on socio-economic performance ảnh 2Overview of the event (Photo: VNA)

The Politburo asked units and localities to closely follow socio-economic development orientations set in the Resolution adopted by the 13th National Party Congress, absolutely stay vigilant, and continue effectively implementing pandemic prevention and control measures with priority given to ensuring the supply of vaccines and medicines, so as to protect people’s health and lives. In the immediate future, suitable scenarios and measures should be outlined to cope with the pandemic, he said.

They were required to effectively carry out the economic recovery and development programme in response to possible contingencies, grasp opportunities from rapid recovery of major economies, offer employment assistance and improve workers’ income.

The Politburo also agreed to submit a proposal to the Party Central Committee (PCC) and the National Assembly on delaying salary reform policy in accordance with the 12th Party Central Committee’s Resolution dated May 21, 2018. It will base on feedback from units concerned and members of the Politburo and the Secretariat to complete the proposal to be submitted to the fourth plenum of the PCC./.

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