The function aimed at collectingrecommendations for a project on planning and implementing activities for GHGemission reduction.
Participants said GHG emission is a global issue as it is the main reasonbehind the climate change.
Yoshihiro Mizuno, an expert from JICA underlined the need to lower GHGemissions from human activities by reducing the emission of gases such as CO2,CH4, N2O, SF6 and NF3.
He suggested reducing the use of electricity and fuel, and installing solarenergy systems in buildings.
Nguyen Thi Thanh My, Deputy Director of the municipal Department of NaturalResources and Environment said HCM City is severely affected by climate change,which causes prolonged rainy season, and serious flood tide, among others.
If a project to reduce GHG emission is piloted in HCMCity, it will help the municipal authorities find effective solutions to issuesrelated to both GHG emission and environmental pollution, she stressed.
Luong Quang Huy from the Department of Hydrometeorology and Climate Changeunder the MoNRE said from the pilot project in HCM City, the ministry will builda national MRV (measuring, reporting and verification) tool system and submitto the Government for approval in 2018.
In Vietnam, a series of policies, legal documents and programmes have beenformulated and implemented to address both adaptation to climate change andmitigation of greenhouse emissions, including the National Target Programme for Response to Climate Change, the NationalStrategy on Climate Change and National Strategy on Green Growth, the 2006National Forest Development Strategy, and the 2006-2020 National ForestProtection and Development Plan and Payments for Ecosystem Services Programme(Decree No.99/ND-CP dated December 2010).
Vietnam has also taken part in the UN-REDD Programme andFCPF as REDD is one of the most important measures to achieve the objectivesof the above-mentioned policies. In 2012, the government approved its NationalREDD Action Plan for the 2011-2020 period (Decision No.799/QD-TTg); the planis central to the National Climate Change Strategy and is the major frameworkfor REDD implementation in Vietnam.-VNA