Theprogramme is to monitor for early detection of any case of avian flu and viruscirculation in order to give people warnings on the possibility of unsafe foodor the disease outbreaks, thus reducing the risk of the viruses beingtransmitted to human.
It alsosupports the building of zones for safe farming in Vietnam and promotes thesustainable development of the breeding industry.
The programmewill keep a close watch on poultry farms with suspected infection of the birdflu and immediately report to the animal health agencies.
Inaddition, provinces where poultry farming is a key industry or poultry areraised for export will have their flocks of poultry tested while in borderprovinces, virus monitoring will be conducted at live bird markets or places.
All sevenRegional Animal Health Offices and 63 sub-departments of animal health acrossthe country will be provided with staff training in monitoring outbreaks onpoultry and other professional skills.-VNA