Asthe city is planning to build a financial centre and conduct key transportinfrastructure projects, Nhan expressed his hope that the guest and IFC willintroduce potential investors to the city which has the highest labourproductivity and quality in the country.
Apartfrom industrial and processing zones, the city has a high-tech park and is buildinga science park as well as linking up with the Ho Chi Minh City NationalUniversity to create an urban area of science-technology and innovation, hesaid.
Kelhofer,for his part, said IFC wants to help Ho Chi Minh City build a smart city andbecome a model in not only Vietnam but also in the region.
Asa member of the World Bank, IFC wants to increase loans to Vietnam in serviceof its development, he said, adding that IFC is able to provide financialassistance and loans without central warranty.
Accordingto him, the city’s priorities match IFC’s goals so that IFC could offer loansto suitable projects and assist the city in credit ranking.-VNA