They are under quarantine and treatment in hospitals in KhanhHoa, Da Nang, Can Tho, Hanoi, and Dong Nai.
As of December 2 afternoon, Vietnam had recorded a total of1,358 infection cases, 693 of them locally transmitted. There were 553 newcases from July 25.
Six patients were given all-clear from the virus the sameday, raising the total number of recovered cases to 1,201.
Among the patients under treatment at medicalestablishments, five tested negative to SARS-CoV-2 once, three twice and 10thrice. There have been 35 deaths related to the disease so far.
As many as 15,503 people who had close contact with COVID-19patients or came from pandemic-hit areas are under quarantine, including 183 inhospitals, 14,472 in other establishments, and 848 at homes./.