IPs and EZs also absorbed about 53.2 trillion VND (2.31 billion USD) of domestic investment, which was poured into 271 new projects and existing ones.
As of the end of May, IPs and EZs nationwide were hometo about 10,853 valid foreign-invested projects with total registered capital of some228.4 billion USD, 69.6 percent of which had been disbursed. The number ofvalid domestic projects stood at 10,186.
The investment proposals of 38 IP infrastructureconstruction projects have been approved by the Prime Minister, raising thenumber of established IPs to 394 on a total area of about 121,900 ha. Of these,286 are operating on a total area of about 86,000 ha, including 57,300 ha ofindustrial area.
About 42,900 ha of land at IPs have been rented bybusinesses, with overall occupation rates reaching about 53 percent and 71.8percent at larger IPs. IPs nationwide have created about 3.78 million direct jobs.
As of the end of May, 256 of the 286 operating IPs, or89.5 percent, had launched standardised waste treatment plants with a totalcapacity of over 1.2 million cu m each day and night.
In order to increase the efficiency of businessesoperating at IPs, the MPI has encouraged and supported them in selecting advancedtechnology and improving technology levels.
The ministry has reviewed standards and requirementsin technology as well as social responsibility and environmental protection,while encouraging enterprises to link with each other to form supply chains.
As part of efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 atIPs, EZs, and processing zones, MPI has asked the People’s Committees ofcentrally-run cities and provinces to direct the management boards of those facilities to strictlyimplement pandemic prevention and control measures.
Assessments on the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the workplaceand workers’ residential areas have also been made./.