The Australian delegation was headed by Prof. WilliamLedger, head of the Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in the School ofWomen's & Children's Health and head of the Fertility and Research Centreat the University of New South Wales.
The doctors and experts are scheduled to conduct thefirst cases of CAPA-IVM, in which Vietnam is taking the lead worldwide, inAustralia in September.
The Vietnamese research group, led by AssociateProf. Vuong Thi Ngoc Lan from HCM City University of Medicine and Pharmacy andHo Manh Tuong, General Secretary of the HCM City Reproductive Endocrinology andInfertility Association (HOSREM) and head of the HOPE Research Centre at My DucHospital, has 12 articles on IVM, especially CAPA-IVM, published internationally.
IVM is a technique to obtain oocytes that aredeveloped in vitro prior to fertilisation with sperm in a laboratory with anembryo transferred back into a patient's uterus with the aim of an ongoingpregnancy and live birth.
CAPA-IVM is a relatively new protocol using anadvanced culture medium that improves the in-vitro development of immatureoocytes potentially resulting in a higher number of quality embryos perpatient.
Over the past five years, experts from Indonesia, Malaysia,Australia, Belgium, Denmark and the US visited My Duc Hospital to learn fromtheir Vietnamese peers’ experience in this field.
The hospital will also welcome French and Turkish expertsin the time ahead./.