Praise heaped on Agent Orange victim supporters

The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange on Jan. 24 honoured 99 outstanding individuals and organisations for supporting victims and actively participating in the struggle for justice for AO victims.
The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange on Jan. 24 honoured 99 outstanding individuals and organisations for supporting victims and actively participating in the struggle for justice for AO victims.

They were praised in the "Honouring Golden Hearts for Agent Orange Victims" programme which was held in the capital Jan. 24 to commemorate the 50th year since Agent Orange was first sprayed on Vietnam on August 10, 1961.

The individuals and organisations include 66 Vietnamese and 33 foreigners.

One of the most outstanding was former general Vo Nguyen Giap who initiated the establishment of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange and actively supported the victims. He wrote to international and domestic organisations, calling for their support in the struggle for the justice for the victims.

Other outstanding people include Nguyen Phu Cu from Dan Tien commune in Hung Yen province's Khoai Chau district who has donated 60 times to the Fund for AO victims. The Viettel Group is the biggest donor with 10 billion VND (476,000 USD).

Present at the ceremony were Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, former Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh, NA Deputy Chairman Nguyen Duc Kien and other leaders of ministries and industries. /.

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