Chung, who was also head of an archaeological delegationto Tuyen Quang in July, said the evidence was found in Pu Chua cave in MinhQuang commune, and Ngan and Khi caves in Phuc Son commune.
The relics are located on low limestonemountains and close to rivers or streams. Pu Chua cave is on the southeast sideof a large mountain, 50m above the foot of the mountain.
The cave’s surface is over 100sq.m wide and is afavourable location for human habitation.
Archaeologists also discovered a collection ofartefacts near the cave’s entrance, including stone axes and ceramics.
Pu Chua cave is said to be one of the livinggrounds prehistoric people from the New Stone Age, which dates back to around4,000 years ago. This is the first time that traces of people in the era havebeen discovered in Chiem Hoa district.
Experts also found dozens of ancient tools onthe surface of archaeological sites in Ngan and Khi caves. The artefacts insideshowed that the caves could have been home to inhabitants in the Stone Age –even earlier than Pu Chua cave.
With newly-discovered evidence, Chiem Hoadistrict is believed to hold huge potential for future archaeological surveys.Relevant agencies are planning an excavation in Pu Chua cave and a survey inChiem Hoa’s limestone district in the coming time.–VNA