President greets Chinese defence officers

President Truong Tan Sang received a delegation from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in Hanoi on Sept. 3.
President Truong Tan Sang received in Hanoi on September 3 a delegation from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army led by Deputy Chief of General Staff Sen. Lieut. Gen. Ma Xiaotian, who is currently in Hanoi for the third Vietnam-China strategic defence talks.

The President expressed his wishes that both sides, including the two armies, continue promoting cooperation, maintaining and upholding the fine traditional friendship, which had been fostered by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong and generations of leaders of the two countries.

Sang welcomed the third Vietnam-China defence strategic dialogue in Hanoi , saying he hopes the two armies continue maintaining and bringing into full play the effectiveness of this dialogue channel.

The two armies should further enhance exchanges and cooperation in different fields in order to further promote mutual understanding and trust, and increasingly strengthen and boost the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership for both peoples’ benefit and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world, he added.

Noting the objective existence of differences that both sides have had in the sea issue, the President urged the two sides to persistently solve those differences satisfactorily through negotiations and dialogues.

The work has to be based on international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and common perceptions and agreements between the two countries, including the agreement on fundamental principles guiding the settlement of sea issues arising between Vietnam and China to make the East Sea a water area of peace, friendship, cooperation and development, he noted.

Ma Xiaotian briefed the President on the outcomes of the dialogue.

He said that the dialogue provides an important channel for both sides to frankly discuss issues of common concern, bettering their trust and understanding, thus contributing to strengthening and developing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the Parties, States, peoples and armies of China and Vietnam .

The Chinese officer affirmed that the Chinese army is willing to work together with the Vietnamese army to strictly implement the common perceptions and increase the exchange of delegations and implement specific cooperation fields for the healthy development and stability of the Vietnam-China friendship and cooperation.-VNA

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