President Ho Chi Minh’s 125th birthday anniversary marked

A ceremony was held in Hanoi on May 18 to mark the 125th birthday anniversary of the late President Ho Chi Minh.
A ceremony was held in Hanoi on May 18 to mark the 125th birthday anniversary of the late President Ho Chi Minh.

Addressing the event, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong reviewed the life and career of the nation’s first president, hailing him as a shining example of virtue, national pride and wisdom, and a great source of encouragement for Vietnamese generations.

Under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s revolution overcame numerous difficulties and challenges to succeed, Trong stressed.

General Secretary Trong said that the former leader devoted all his life to the revolutionary cause of the party and the nation, and gave his all in serving Vietnam and its people until he took his final breath in 1969.

The General Secretary stated that Ho Chi Minh left a large and valuable legacy and moral example, highlighting self-improvement and responsibility, that should be emulated by all Vietnamese people.-VNA

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