President Ho Chi Minh’s book published in Italy

“Duong Kach Menh” (Revolutionary Path), a book written by late President Ho Chi Minh, has been translated into Italian and published in the European country.
President Ho Chi Minh’s book published in Italy ảnh 1The original book kept at the Vietnam National Museum of History (Photo: VNA)

Rome (VNA) - “Duong Kach Menh” (Revolutionary Path), a book written by late President Ho Chi Minh, has been translated into Italian and published in the European country.

The book, named “La Via Della Rivoluzione” in Italian, includes lectures by Nguyen Ai Quoc, an alias of Ho Chi Minh, at training courses for staff of the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League, held in Guangzhou, China, between 1925 and 1927.

The Anteo Edizioni publishing house, the Italy – Vietnam Friendship Association and Honourary Consul of Vietnam in Turin Sandra Scagliotti worked together on the publication.

In the book’s foreword, Scagliotti, who was its Italian editor, said the work, with significant values in terms of revolutionary theory and practice, was the basis for spreading Marxist-Leninist revolutionary doctrine in Vietnam.

Its publication will help Italians understand more about Vietnam and the country’s history, and shorten the gap in Vietnamese studies between Italy and other European countries, she added.

At the launching event, head of the Italy – Vietnam Friendship Association Fausto Co said the book was written in a simple, concise and lucid way.

Speaking to Vietnam News Agency, director of the Anteo Edizioni publishing house Stefano Bonilauri considered the book a valuable work from historical and cultural angles.

He said the publishing house plans to launch more publications about Vietnam.

Through “Duong Kach Menh”, whose first printed versions were moved secretly to French-controlled Vietnam before 1930, Nguyen Ai Quoc presented the essence of Marxist-Leninist revolutionary doctrine and the Vietnamese revolution’s basic development direction.

It played an important role in disseminating Marxism-Leninism in Vietnam in the late 1920s. Following the guiding of the book, the first students came back to Vietnam to prepare for the foundation of the Vietnam Communist Party in 1930. They also led the August General Uprising in 1945 to found the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and open a new era in the nation’s history.-VNA 

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