The President said he hopes the forum continue being acommunications channel for politicians, scholars, and businesses regarding keymatters in the region.
Amid unprecedented challenges facing the world, no countrycould solve these difficulties by itself, the President noted.
He went on stating that only cooperation and solidaritycould bring about success and join actions of nations are needed forinclusive and sustainable growth that ensures safety for the people.
Phuc highlighted a number of issues that require specialattention from countries. They included promoting cooperation in diseasecontrol and prevention; ensuring opportunities to access vaccines at reasonablecosts; maintaining macroeconomic stability and facilitating trade and investment; mobilisingresources for sustainable and inclusive economic development towards the realisationof the 2030 sustainable development goals; and building synchronous infrastructure and developing human resources for digital transformation.
On Vietnam – China cooperation, he highlighted the two countries' collaboration in containing COVID-19 and sustaining economicgrowth to become bright spots in the region and in the world.
The President affirmed Vietnam’s wish for comprehensive,effective, and equal cooperation with China for mutual benefits so that the twocould together overcome the pandemic, maintain an environment of peace and stability, and push for the strong growth of their ties.
The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021 (AC2021) isset to run from April 18 to 21 under the theme of “A World in Change: JoinHands to Strengthen Global Governance and Advance Belt and Road Cooperation”.
It consists of six modules - “Explore China”, “Understandthe Changing World”, “Belt and Road Initiative Cooperation”, “Embrace theIndustrial Changes”, “Dance with New Technologies” and “Development for All”./.